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Six months later, he has his answer: "We don't want to reinvent the wheel just to reinvent the wheel," Avellone says. If you haven't beaten that game, you might want to skip to the next section to avoid minor spoilers. The Republic is in shambles, reeling from the aftermath of the Jedi civil war and the scourge of Darth Malak. The Jedi Order has been disbanded, and you--a veteran of the Mandalorian war who was conveniently in exile during the recent civil war--are the last known Jedi, left to piece together a future for yourself and the Jedi Order.

Since the story is such a crucial part of an RPG like this, the team doesn't want to reveal too much more. But we do know that you won't play the same character and that the story does not pick up where the last game left off. This was a tough but necessary design choice, according to Avellone, because the first game gave players such freedom in developing the story. Early in The Sith Lords, you'll have various conversations that explain and address key plot issues from the last game--you'll tell the game how you believe things went down--and the dialogue choices you make will affect story development in the rest of the game.

Though you're not the same character, somehow you pilot the same ship as in the first game, the Ebon Hawk, which finds itself on the mysteriously deserted asteroid mining facility of Peragus at the beginning of the game. You start out as a Jedi--no more training with Yoda look-alikes, as in the original--but that doesn't mean you'll have all your powers being in exile tends to put you out of touch with the Force or even a lightsaber right away.

The Sith Lords will, as expected, have different endings depending on whether you choose the dark- or light-side path. But this time the choice won't rest solely on your shoulders. Or if they don't like you, the opposite happens. The fate of the universe could depend on it. The Sith Lords is mostly linear but with a lot of freedom to choose what specifically you do next.

In all, you'll visit seven worlds most of which have lots of separate game areas within , including Dantooine from the first game. But don't expect Dantopine to look like the peaceful grasslands where you killed kath hounds of yore.

Remember, the planet was ravaged by Malak's army and the Jedi Academy was destroyed, so this Dantooine looks a lot different. LucasArts and Obsidian know the design of the first game was pretty impeccable, so you won't see any huge interface or combat differences. You'll still control up to three characters, and the controls will work basically the same.

Inventory- and character-management screens will also look familiar. For example, you'll now have quick-key slots for two different weapon configurations.

If you just had a quick button, you'd see a lot more mileage out of certain weapons that were really cool. You'll be able to deconstruct existing items, then use components to build up new, more powerful ones. You'll even have more upgrades for your lightsaber and more lightsaber colors. Your character's unique balance of skills will also affect your upgrade options.

If you have a really high Repair skill, for example, you'll see more armor types, or if a character in your party has a high Security skill, suddenly your workbench options will go sky-high.

The intention is that you'll end up using the many options available to you instead of sticking to a few weapons, pieces of armor, and party members for most of the game.

If you were expecting a totally new graphics engine and knock-your-socks-off visuals that many say the first game lacked, you can keep waiting. But he promises that the visuals will be optimized and says the team has actually learned how to do more with the same graphics engine--especially with lighting.

Weather effects and slicker attack animations are a couple examples of the visual content Parker hopes will bring the environments to life. But don't expect to see everyone Gallo says they "had to be careful about who died and who lived" , and don't expect them all to play major roles. The only recurring characters we know for sure will have sizeable roles are the R2-D2-esque droid T3-M4 and another 'bot who bears a suspicious resemblance to the original's irascible "meatbag"-loathing HK Gallo says that's inspired by the movies, where "the droids are the common element.

They want to make sure you get up close and personal with your buddies, rather than just letting some of them hang out on the Ebon Hawk soldering lightsaber hilts. Each party member will also have a unique special ability, and the team is working on more quests that can be fulfilled only by one particular member of your group. When in doubt, the team looks--of course--to the movies for inspiration.

One thing all players loved in the original KOTOR was how they developed their own Force powers and used them when and how they wanted. Force Sight is a new stealth ability that will let you see through walls, plus assess a character's alignment dark siders show up as red; light siders are blue. Force Clairvoyance will help you see other parts of a level without being near them a la Prince of Persia 's glimpse-of-the-future visions.

Unfortunately as these screenshots show, they're using the art from the first game , new armor, weapons, and other cool loot wasn't part of our three-hour tour. The designers recognize that these items. What's their excuse? That the game is still a year away.

In fact, Avellone jokes, they reserve the right to change anything that they showed us. Geek heaven: a hour role-playing game set in a galaxy far, far away. With lightsabers! But geek heaven can turn into geek hell if your crew of motley reprobates keeps getting killed at the hands not to mention the blasters of the Sith. Does Carth Onasi keep falling over in the combat zone?

Is Bastila attempting to thwart Dark Jedi with a vibroknife? You need a serious equipment makeover, young Jedi. Check out our complete overhaul of some of the main party members. For advice on improving and outfitting the rest of your crew, check the Prima guide. Carth is a basic human soldier. He can wear any kind of armor he desires, but he has no special skills to make him stand out from your more flamboyant crew members. Because Carth isn't the most impressive melee fighter, invest in his pistol skill as soon as possible and choose feats to accommodate his pistolpacking.

Two-weapon fighting and improved two-weapon fighting will allow Carth to wield double pistols like Chow Yun Fat, but in space. Don't place him in harm's way. Let Carth stand away from combat and blast with both barrels.

Allow him to cultivate a pistol collection. Consider giving him an added bonus with the rapid shot skill, although this lowers his defense. Carth starts with his own weapon Carth's Blaster. It's a good weapon that becomes more impressive the further you upgrade it. Do not replace this weapon, as it can be made into one of the finest guns around. Place a second pistol in earth's other hand, like Bendak Starkiller's Pistol, which is also upgradeable. Get your parts together and start modifying!

Carth can be clad in any armor. If you keep him out of melee combat, he can get away with moving a bit slower. Try shoe-horning him into Mandalorian Battle Armor unless you're using Canderous. However, Carth starts with a reasonable dexterity, so don't fit him with armor that's so heavy it negates his dexterity modifier. A great armor find early in the game is the Republic Mod Armor.

It's upgradeable! Carth has no access to implants unless you're willing to gain the necessary feats, so concentrate on his regular equipment. Fit him with belts that help his will save bonus or those that will protect him against mental force or stun effects.

For his headgear, choose any item with a will save bonus. Try to find him some gauntlets with a dexterity bonus. They'll help with reflex saving throws, ranged attack bonuses, and defense. Bastila is a good choice for close combat.

She carries a double lightsaber, an upgradeable combat weapon you should let her keep unless you want your main character to wield it. Unfortunately, Bastila's strict Jedi code and Force powers do not allow her to wear armor. Unencumbered, she does move quickly, but she's vulnerable to attack.

To offset this weakness, place the attribute bonus she receives every four levels into dexterity, which will help her defense. When you meet her, she can level up immediately. Choose the light-side cure Force power for Bastila, since her default combat intelligence is to autoheal as long as she has enough Force points. Cure affects all three team members. That'll save you credits on medpacs. Her specialty is melee attack, but her power and constitution aren't as impressive as Zaalbar's, meaning she can't absorb the sort of damage the Wookiee can.

So send her into the fray, but make sure she doesn't get caught in the middle of a hostile mob. Bastila isn't a scout, so she has no implants unless you buy into that line of feats. She has no extraordinary skills, except her healing. Pump all your available points into light-side powers since she leans that way already; moving her to the dark side via offensive Force power acquisition costs too many Force points.

Never change her double lightsaber, since it's impressively upgradeable like all lightsabers. Affix bondar crystal to her weapon for a stunning special ability: 10 percent of the time she hits, her enemy must make a low difficulty save or be stunned for six seconds. It doesn't sound like much, but it pays off relatively often. Also look for damind crystal, which will boost both her attack bonus and the damage she deals.

Remember that all of the crystals you collect should be shared among your Jedi close-combat specialists Bastila, Juhani, optionally your own character, but not Jolee, as he isn't much of a melee fighter.

Bastila's face should be covered by a mask of some kind, such as the Verpine Headband, which increases her will save bonus. Place any gauntlet on Bastila that adds to her dexterity, which will help her dodge attacks.

Finally, tie shields on her arm slots since these can be used by any character except Zaalbar. This walking carpet may come with a bowcaster a Wookiee weapon that acts like a blaster rifle , but his incredible strength and constitution statistics mean he's best used as a melee monster.

He has a huge number of hit points, and his tremendous strength means he inflicts bonus damage with melee weapons. So why keep him at the back as a ranged tighter? His innate species skill, Wookiee's toughness, also helps him at close quarters. This skill negates the first couple of damage points he receives. By now it should be clear that he belongs in the thick of the fray. Of course, his hair and culture do not allow him to wear any type of armor not even arm shields , and his armor class isn't as high as other party members', but his brute force more than makes up for that.

Drop all necessary points into combat feats, such as melee focus and proficiency. Then move on to the flurry line of skills, which give additional attacks per round. Better yet, invest in two-weapon feats for Zaalbar so he can dual-wield the powerful swords found throughout the game.

Unlike Canderous, Zaalbar cannot regenerate during combat, so keep an eye on him and heal him as needed. Because he's a scout, he can and should receive feats that allow implants. Bind it to one key and you are done. Experience crisper graphics and smoother animations. Complete Google sign-in to access the Play Store, or do it later.

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