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The idea of the Concepts of Physics subject came to Dr. For assurance, it can be easily said that no other book is said to be required for the same. No other writer generally plays with force between a horse and a cart in a better way. Chapter Heat And Temperature. This chapter covers various topics including hold and cold bodies, mercury and resistance thermometers, zeroth law of thermodynamics, and the defining scale of temperature.

Furthermore, the chapters also give detailed information about the temperature scale of ideal gasses, the ideal gas equation for ideal gasses with the help of theories and derivations. It ends with thermal expression and its naturally occurring application.

Chapter Kinetic Theory Of Gasses. This chapter covers about 6 assumptions on the kinetic theory of gasses, calculation of the pressure of an ideal gas, the root mean square value speed, as well as the kinetic interpretation of temperature. The chapter concludes with the properties exhibited by gasses such as Vapor, Evaporation, Humidity, Brownian motion, Determination of Relative Humidity, Saturated and Unsaturated Vapor Boiling, Dew Point, and diagrams of various pressure vapor phases with its detailed explanation.

Chapter Calorimetry. Chapter Laws Of Thermodynamics. This chapter covers the various kinds of relationships between heat and other energy configurations. Furthermore, this chapter covers the first and second laws of thermodynamics with its equation. With the help of flow charts and diagrams, the chapter covers the working of heat engines.

Lastly, the third law of thermodynamics entropy, carnet engine, and reversible and irreversible processes are covered in detail in the chapter. Chapter Heat Capacities Of Gasses. This chapter covers the specific types of heat capacities of gasses and explains the relation between capacity at constant pressure Cp and heat capacity at constant volume Cv for ideal gasses.

Furthermore, with the help of diagrams and derivations, the chapter determines the cp and cv of a gas. It also deals in isothermal, adiabatic professes, and the relationships between p, v, and t. Lastly, it covers the topic of energy distribution in Equipartition. Chapter Heat Transfer. This chapter covers thermal conduction and thermal resistance.

These concepts are explained with the help of diagrams. Chapter Electric Field And Potential. This chapter covers various topics under electric charges such as their unit, types, and properties of charged particles. Coulomb's Law which is associated with the force of an electric charge is also explained in the chapter. Furthermore, concepts about materials such as Insulators, conductors, and semiconductors are covered in detail.

With the help of experiments, concepts such as the electric field inside a conductor and potential energy of a dipole in a uniform electric field are explained in this chapter.

Chapter Gauss's Law. This chapter covers all the theories of the flux of the Electric field. Further, it also explains the solid angle and gives you an understanding of Gauss's Law as well as its derivation from Coulomb's Law.

Chapter Capacitors. This chapter covers the theory of Capacitance. Further, it talks about the computation of the same as well as the various combinations along with their specified properties. It is advised to purchase the book online or offline, below we will also provide the amazon affiliate link to buy the book online. Hc verma Part 2 Book. Friends, if you need any E-Book PDF related to any topic or subjects and need any assistance and inquiry related to exams you can comment below.

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