Software modules in dbms

The SLEE then tries to get a connection to the master database. In case of failure, the SLEE tries to get a connection to the slave. The requesting service will not notice any of this as long as it gets its database connection. Services will only be informed if the SLEE fails to provide a database connection. For information about database security, see Database security. This is a mandatory requirement on a SLEE service. If it is possible to manage the service through the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper management tool it is also manageable.

Started The service is started. Activated The service is activated, that is, in its normal running state and accepts CORBA requests through its accessible interface. Suspended A sub-state between Activated and Started that is used for graceful shutdown of services. Charging Receives CDRs and stores them in the database. Event log Receives events and stores them in the database.

Plug-in manager Keeps track of the installed network plug-ins and related routes. Policy Keeps track of all registered policies and makes policy decisions. Service capability manager Keeps track of the installed service capability modules. Statistics Recieves usage information and stores it in the database. Task manager Handles thread pools and task queues.

Time Provides timers and timestamps when requested. Trace Makes it possible to retrieve trace information from a service that is suspected to be faulty. Get Adobe Reader. The service software is installed in the SLEE. Event log.

Global counters. This is the main component, as this is the program which controls everything. The DBMS software is more like a wrapper around the physical database, which provides us with an easy-to-use interface to store, access and update data.

Data is that resource, for which DBMS was designed. The motive behind the creation of DBMS was to store and utilise data. Metadata is data about the data. This is information stored by the DBMS to better understand the data stored in it. For example: When I store my Name in a database, the DBMS will store when the name was stored in the database, what is the size of the name, is it stored as related data to some other data, or is it independent, all this information is metadata.

Procedures refer to general instructions to use a database management system. Database Access Language is a simple language designed to write commands to access, insert, update and delete data stored in any database.

User can create new databases, tables, insert data, fetch stored data, update data and delete the data using the access language. Learn CSS. Learn JavaScript. C Language C Tutorial. C Compiler. Standard Template Library. Python Python Tutorial. Python Programs. The plug-in manager's routing function routes service requests to different plug-ins depending on the destination party's address format supported address plan and address range.

The routes are specified through the plug-in manager. For a network triggered event, the service capability module manager provides the plug-in with a service capability module instances reference according to a round robin schema. The plug-in manager divides the requests from the service capability module according to a round robin schema. The more installed plug-ins of the same type supporting the same address type and routing, the lower the load on the individual instances.

If a plug-in is unavailable, the service capability module gets a new plug-in instance reference from the plug-in manager according to a round robin schema. The Oracle database server software executes on dedicated servers. All SLEEs connects to the database. Oracle RAC handles database high-availability and fail-over.

Alarms are generated in Network Gatekeeper when fail-over occurs. For information about database security, see Database security. Note: This type of database is for non-production systems only since there is no high-availability or fail-over functionality offered when using this type of database.

The Oracle database executes on a dedicated server. Since there is only support for single instance deployments, connections are setup to only one database instance. There is no load balancing and high-availability mechanisms. It is not recommended to use this kind of database setup for live productions systems. The two sides of the database run on different servers. A service that wants to access the database requests a database connection from the SLEE. The SLEE then tries to get a connection to the master database.

In case of failure, the SLEE tries to get a connection to the slave. The requesting service will not notice any of this as long as it gets its database connection. Services will only be informed if the SLEE fails to provide a database connection. This is a mandatory requirement on a SLEE service. If it is possible to manage the service through WebLogic Network Gatekeeper management tool it is also manageable.

Started The service is started. Activated The service is activated, that is, in its normal running state and accepts CORBA requests through its accessible interface.

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