Sims bustin out cheat codes gc

When the phone rings, answer it. You will get free money. To help raise motives in later levels, move back to Mom's house.

The Artificial Love will make raising motives easier. While living with Mom, do not run out and get a job after you have completed the first few goals. Instead, stay around awhile and use that time to build skills.

Mom will nag you, but just select "Okay" and keep doing everything else. When you have your skills where you want them, move out. This will make things much easier. You will then be able to concentrate on your job and relationships, rather than skill building. Also, notice that when you are at your Mom's house at the beginning, your Sim's energy and social do not go down, and will remain at the halfway point. Using this, you can raise your skills faster.

First, have breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Then, use the toilet, take a bath, watch television for fun and comfort, then finally work on whatever skill you want.

After repeating this routine before having breakfast, lunch, or dinner, clean up the plates. Do not call a maid or anything else, as it is a waste of money.

For extra money, do creative skills on your paint set and sell your paintings when done. This will give you a lot of money when you are done with your skills. Do all goals except getting a job.

Do not sleep or talk to your mom while doing this. When you are done with those skills, sell the chess set whole refund. Then, buy the weight lifting machine for the Body. When done with all skills, get a job and move out.

Additionally, while waiting for your baby to become a child, you are not allowed to leave your house. This is a great time for building your skills up, improving your relationships for your career, and doing whatever needs done around the house.

To always have a good Fun rating, buy the Aromaster and place it in your Sims bedroom. This will boost your Fun meter while your Sim sleeps. You need to have at least Simoleans in order to run the Aromaster. Also, if you get robbed, the Aromaster will be one of the first things stolen; have a burglar alarm in place.

Get married when possible, then instead of getting the friends you need to get a promotion with your Sim, get the friends with the Sim you are married to.

The relationship that the Sim you are married to has with other Sims never decreases. You can get friends and not have to worry about keeping them. In Bustin' Out mode, you can skip work by moving back into Mom's house. While you live with Mom, the bus will not arrive, and you do not have to work. This is useful if things are not going so well and you need some time to "restore" your Sim. Also in Bustin' Out mode, you can skip work by changing jobs before the bus arrives.

Later, you can just change back to your old job. This is useful if you are about to get fired. Note: You will only get fired if you skip work two or three times in a row. In Bustin' Out mode, the people who you live with who you can control cannot get fired. If you want them to stay home, just let them. This can be very useful if you need them to clean up, or need them to do some other things. Enable the "Cheat gnome" and "Raise motives" codes.

Depending on where you live, make family friends with who you live with and many visitors. Then, go to work and if others are there, make them stay home.

They cannot get fired. To successfully complete the Jock career, you need to have all Body points, 4 Cooking points, and 5 Charisma points. You will also need six friends.

There are two ways you can avoid sleeping at all, but still top off your energy quickly. I recommend the smoothie bar over the coffee machine because it not only restores more energy, it also restores comfort and hunger. Beware, though. Touch the bug zapper about 6 times, and you have a full energy gauge, even from zero. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password?

Don't have an account? Sign up for free! Cheat Gnome. Contributed By: supernintendosp. Contributed By: Jacer Get Roommate's Skills. Contributed By: Tim Contributed By: k9dogluvr. Last Edited: 7 Mar pm. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. The Sims: Bustin' Out.


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