You know the drill. Look another column to the right to find your mediatrix router's password. For more information on how to login to your mediatrix router please see our Free Guides. Still can't login to your mediatrix router even when using the username and password for your router? Network Utilities. The leaf node we are interested in is "httpServerAdminAccess". Right-click on that node in the left pane, and choose "Get". This will bring the options for it onscreen in the top-right pane.
The default value is "wanOnly", which will appear in the top-right pane, so click on it several times until the dropdown appears allowing you to change it.
Change the value to "lanOnly". This will allow root access to the browser-based menus from the LAN port on the device. Be sure to then right-click on the "httpServerAdminAccess" leaf node again, and this time choose "Set". It will then save the setting back to the device. You are now done in here, unless there are other settings you with to adjust. Mediatrix provides a large document detailing the various options and meanings for the MIBs shown in there.
You can now test connecting a computer to the Mediatrix device on the LAN port. Configure the computer for DHCP, and it should configure itself transparently as being your outside connection as though the Mediatrix device wasn't there in the middle. The root account and the admin account contain different sets of options. Both sets of options will likely be needed to fully configure your SIP accounts and also miscellaneous network settings on the device to your liking.
Precision Technology Services. Web Applications Business I. Client Profiles Testimonials. Articles Some notes we've thrown together. The objectives I had for updating these boxes included : Updating the firmware version installed on the units Changing some of the default behaviors of the units The firmware version installed on the units I received was several versions out of date.
Getting Ready to Update the Firmware Many recent SOHO routers and network devices allow uploading new firmware version from inside their web-browser-based control panels. Old Version New Version In my experience, the simplest way to get new firmware onto the device is to set up a TFTP server a computer on your LAN, and then direct the Mediatrix unit to download the firmware being served from that computer. Installing the Mediatrix UMN software package Now that the stage is set to perform an upgrade on your Mediatrix device, you should also download some software from the Mediatrix website to assist in controlling the unit and configuring the settings.
We can then use this UMN software to : communicate with the Mediatrix device over the network configure the location of your TFTP server where the firmware upgrade is located tell the device to perform the firmware upgrade from that TFTP server location you indicated tell the device to reboot itself configure additional internal settings on the device unavailable from the web-browser-based menus using the UMN's SNMP capabilities The UMN software needs to be installed on a Windows machine on your LAN.
Copyright Mercenary Consultants. All rights reserved. Old Version. New Version. Install Unit Manager Network 3. This application is available with the CD that is shipped with the Mediatrix You should see something similar to the screen pictured below. You do not need to enter a Username or Password, just press OK. Once the device has been found. Select it and press OK.